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Internet Law


USPTO is an ancroynm for the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The USPTO is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

The role of this agency is to register trademarks and to grant patents. It serves the interest of inventors and businesses with respect to their inventions and corporate products, and service identifications.

The USPTO also advises and assists the bureaus and offices of the U.S. Department of Commerce and other agencies of the U.S. Government in matters involving intellectual property (IP).

About Website Copyright Notices

First of all, it is not mandatory that one uses a copyright notice on his/her web site. There are, however, some advantages in doing so. Even though a copyright notice is usually very simple, using one on your web site can become complicated.

How to file a valid DMCA complaint?

If you ever find that somebody is indecently using your copyrighted works on their web site(s), you shoud file a valid DMCA complaint. It is very important that your DMCA complaint contains all the necessary information and is also written in the proper form. Otherwise, the company you are sending your complaint to (usually the web hosting provider of the infringing web site) may not assist you and may even disregard your DMCA violation report.

Some General Thoughts on Privacy

Privacy on the Internet has become a really great concern to ISPs, their corporate clients as well as their regular users – that makes it virtually anyone. Unlike the European Union (EU) countries and Canada, the United States does not yet have serious regulations regarding privacy on the Internet. Even though there have been some widely publicized cases of privacy violations and also considering the fact that US holds a very significant share of the world’s Internet industry, privacy can hardly be considered a seriously protected area.

Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act (OCILLA)

The Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act (OCILLA) is a portion of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act known as DMCA 512 or the DMCA takedown provisions. It is a 1998 United States federal law that provided a safe harbor to online service providers (OSPs, including internet service providers) that promptly take down content if someone alleges it infringes their copyrights.