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Internet Law
By definition, copyright provides authors with the ability to guard their works from being taken, used, and exploited by others without having explicit permission. The author of a copyrighted work has the exclusive right to reproduce it, distribute copies (e.g. by sale), to display or perform it publicly, to produce derivative works based upon it, and to authorize others to do so. I need to mention, however, that there are some important exceptions and limitations which should also be taken into consideration. “Fair Use” is one such important limitation. This matter will be a subject to another article though.
We have been receiving lots of inquiries about the exact way in which UDRP panelists process their cases, so in this post we will try to shed some light on this matter.
The first thing panelists do is to make sure that all the technical formalities of the process are met. Only then the panel can proceed with reviewing the UDRP complaint, the response along with any evidence submitted, and decide whether the complaint meets the three UDRP requirements.
As we noted in some other posts, copyright law can be tricky for unqualified people. In many cases, when one thinks about copyright, one automatically thinks that copying someone else’s work without permission is illegal by law. It is important to make this clear – copyright law makes it illegal to do many other things and not just copying.
In our opinion, the Fair Use is an important subject which needs serious elaboration. We’ve examined many articles with controversial interpretation of the Fair Use doctrine. In this article, we will try to shed some light on this matter as it has many applications in the context of Internet law.
Many people believe that a good web site must have a Privacy Policy page. This is generally a publicly displayed document which outlines the restrictions on the ability to collect and use customer information. You would usually see a link to a web site’s privacy policy placed within the footer of the page in many cases accompanied by a “Terms of Use” link and a copyright notice.